Introduction Looking for a version 8 command. It may be here. I’ll add more over time. Clearing Events Commands required on Isilon cluster v8 Search failing IP’s across the cluster reported by zabbix View/Remove from Grid dynamic pool example: The
Rebuild Report Database Isilon
Introduction If you ever get a problem with networking between 2 distant Isilon clusters then you might get a problem with SyncIQ reports filling up with nonsense. So if you have a lot of jobs you might end up with
Change Ownership Recursively for a Single User FreeBSD
Introduction So if you’ve read this and thought, it doesn’t work on FreeBSD then you are right. It doesn’t. Try this instead: You can use this portable find command with something like this. find . -user old-user -exec chown new-user:new-group
Isilon Bulk Quota Changes
Introduction If you’ve been passed the unenviable task of bulk modification of multiple quotas on Isilon then you will know to do so manually is a tedious and incredibly time consuming process and most likely why you are reading this
Restoring Files From Snapshots Isilon
Introduction Restoring data from NL Isilon is quite a simple affair with standard UNIX commands. This how to may just save some time on the trial and error aspect of a restore. If a request comes in to retrieve data
Isilon Version 7 Cheat Sheet Commands
Introduction Looking for a command. It might just be in here somewhere. I’ll update as I find useful ones. Commands Performance Stats isi statistics drive –nodes=all –orderby=busy –type=sas,sata –top isi statistics drive –nodes=all –orderby=busy –type=sas,sata | head -n 30 Power
Using Egrep to Return Multiple Lines From a List
Introduction When you get verbose output from a system but you want to only see a number of specific lines: Required Command The following is an example from an Isilon node: isi nfs exports list –verbose | egrep “ID|UID|Paths” >
Allow Linux Clients to See Directory Usage EMC Isilon
Introduction If you have Linux clients accessing NFS shares on an Isilon Scale out NAS then they may not be able to see the usage of a directory using the “df” command. Fix Now the fix only works on directories
Isilon Delete Directory
Introduction If you’ve ever made the mistake of making a directory on an Isilon cluster with the wrong path but the directory contains huge amounts of data. What you need is the correct ISI command. Command This is the one