Introduction Letsencrypt offer free SSL certs but the one caveat is they have a short 90 day expiry. There is the option to setup automatic renewal using file based verification if the web server is accessible publicly, however if you need
Sophos UTM9 Reverse Proxy Certificates

Introduction If you’re using the Sophos UTM9 as a reverse proxy then you will need to install certificates on the UTM to present to the client when they are browsing those secured sites. The UTM will need the file in
Generate a CSR Using Openssl

Introduction Just a quick refresher on generating certificate signing requests. Generate the RSA key Create a RSA key for your Apache server, since every distro is different in where to place the certificates, we are just going to place it
Cisco ASA Install SSL Cert

Introduction You no longer need to continue using self signed certs as StartSSL offer them for free. If you need to replace or install a cert for the first time to use with an SSL VPN then this is how to achieve
Cisco ASA SSH Public Key Authentication

Introduction SSH is a truly great and secure protocol. We all know we should be using it instead of telnet right. Right, but are you using all of its amazing abilities? Probably not is my guess, cause I wasn’t for