Examples Copy the file “foobar.txt” from a remote host to the local host $ scp your_username@remotehost.edu:foobar.txt /some/local/directory Copy the file “foobar.txt” from the local host to a remote host $ scp foobar.txt your_username@remotehost.edu:/some/remote/directory Copy the directory “foo” from the local
Isilon Version 7 Cheat Sheet Commands

Introduction Looking for a command. It might just be in here somewhere. I’ll update as I find useful ones. Commands Performance Stats isi statistics drive –nodes=all –orderby=busy –type=sas,sata –top isi statistics drive –nodes=all –orderby=busy –type=sas,sata | head -n 30 Power
Stop Apache Asking for SSL Passphrase after Restart

Introduction After upgrading my sites to SSL/TLS I had an annoying issue where after a reboot, I would have to kill the Apache process and start it again manually because it would fail first time because it did not have
Removing all Traces of Previous Windows Server Backup Information

Introduction If you want to remove all traces of previous backups for example because you require swapping virtual disks you’re using for the Windows Server Backup then there is slightly more to figure out than should be necessary. The page
Dante Server SOCKS Proxy Setup

Introduction You may have read my post of turning a Linux machine into a SOCKS proxy with a single command. Well this is a somewhat more permanent solution but achieves the same thing but I hasten to add significantly more
Unable to Browse .local suffix Linux Mint

Introduction Wow what a pain in the arse this was and it didn’t make any sense at first. Short story is .local anything didn’t work even though my domain servers had lookups for .local addresses and there was the domain
Using Egrep to Return Multiple Lines From a List
Introduction When you get verbose output from a system but you want to only see a number of specific lines: Required Command The following is an example from an Isilon node: isi nfs exports list –verbose | egrep “ID|UID|Paths” >
SCP Example Cisco ASA to Linux
Introduction I’m adding this here cause sometimes I’m dense and I forget the command. Command Examples copy running-config scp://dave@myVM/home/dave/running-config-scp Source filename [running-config]? Address or name of remote host [myVM]? Destination username [dave]? Destination filename [home/dave/running-config-scp]? Cryptochecksum: 5b1178ff 4db70c26 45645f8f 7ec33023
Duplicate Each Line in Vim
Introduction This is a useful one if you do any sort of repetitive script creation as I do and also infinitely easier than figuring it out in notepad++. Need to duplicate every line in a text file? Fix :g/^/norm yyp sorted.
Cisco ASA Install SSL Cert

Introduction You no longer need to continue using self signed certs as StartSSL offer them for free. If you need to replace or install a cert for the first time to use with an SSL VPN then this is how to achieve