I’m sure there are many different ways to do this however this way worked well. I’ve included an example where escaping specific characters is required which adds a little more complexity as they must be escaped using the ‘\’ character.
Notepad++ Find and Replace using Regex

Introduction Microsoft’s home grown text editor is quite clearly rubbish. Notepad++ however is a great replacement. It allows for the use of regex which in the world of IT can be a massive time saver for repetitive tasks. I’ll keep
Saving a read-only file edited in vi / vim
Introduction A simple but annoying one. You open a configuration file with no intent to change anything, then you think I’ll just change that .. and this.. and 20 minutes later when you go to save you realise you opened
Notepad++ Regex examples

Introduction Just a notepad++ regex example for searching netscreen debug traces to start. I’ll update this one as I find other useful examples. Examples: Netscreen Debug Flow To search netscreen debug flow output for particular traffic, try something like:[0-9]+)->
Notepad++ Useful Find and Replace Examples

Introduction Ever need to remove a load of text from a file in notepad++? I’ll update this with useful ones as I find them. Examples To end up with the NFS path only and remove the highlighted text from multiple
Duplicate Each Line in Vim
Introduction This is a useful one if you do any sort of repetitive script creation as I do and also infinitely easier than figuring it out in notepad++. Need to duplicate every line in a text file? Fix :g/^/norm yyp sorted.
Search and Replace Vim
Introduction Well with my previous post deleting whole lines, I also wanted to delete a whole load of IP addresses which repeat frequently throughout the document and so achieving a clutter free doc. Fix Again in vim, a simple find
Delete all lines containing a pattern Vim
Introduction So I was trying to find a way to remove a whole world of verbose output using excel and not coming up with anything but then found this: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Delete_all_lines_containing_a_pattern Fix All I needed to do was upload the file