Putting this here as I always forget the commands when I need them! For more details see Gerts blog post linked below. Commands Create new ed25519 keys: Create secure rsa keys: Find all keys on your system: Change or add
Unable to SSH Between Systems
Introduction I had the issue where we had upgraded a system and as a result when I tried to SSH to another system which had not been upgraded I recieved the following error: Unable to negotiate with XX.XXX.XX.XX: no matching
Turn a Linux Machine into a SOCKS Proxy in a Single Command

Introduction Need a proxy? Want to hide your IP? This is a sneaky and easy trick. Just use the following: ssh -f -N -D localhost Thats it! All there is to it. Doesn’t even need root access. Now Open-SSH
Securing OpenSSH with Certificates on CentOS

Introduction If you want to stop using passwords to SSH onto your servers then certs are the way to go. When you run an application such as putty and pageant side by side then you will never have to use
Cisco ASA SSH Public Key Authentication

Introduction SSH is a truly great and secure protocol. We all know we should be using it instead of telnet right. Right, but are you using all of its amazing abilities? Probably not is my guess, cause I wasn’t for