Introduction SNMP has been around for many years and even though the acronym stands for simple network management protocol, it is quite complex and takes significant time to understand exactly how to get the best from it. It is well
Cisco Span Port Configuration

Introduction If you’ve ever needed to perform packet analysis for troubleshooting then you have options. If you have an IP base IOS image or above then it is likely you can do a packet capture directly on the switch however
Troubleshooting Interface Output Drops

Introduction Output drops are caused by traffic rates exceeding the maximum bandwidth specification of the interface. Solution There are actually only 2 solutions to output drops: Increase the Interface speed Reduce the traffic throughput If you have monitoring in place
Cacti Error Creating rrd Files

Introduction My colleague setup a new cacti server in a new site but on opening the graph and turning on graph debug mode it was complaining that it couldn’t find the .rrd file in /usr/share/cacti/rra/ Also importantly I noticed that
Juniper Netscreen Packet-Tracer Alternative (Debug Flow)

Introduction Thought I would write a quick one on this as I often need to look it up as it is incredibly helpful. Cisco ASA has the packet-tracer command for testing but netscreen firewalls have something a bit different. Debug
Install Cacti on CentOS 6.x

Introduction The following guides cover it. Watch out for the section named “Configure MySQL settings for Cacti”, the file it references the path as /etc/cacti/db.php but the path may actually be /var/www/cacti/include/config.php Things to look out for: Path
RANCID Scripts for VyOS/Vyatta
Introduction I wanted to add my Vyatta virtual router to my RANCID server as I was in the process of extensive testing for IPv6. Luckily I found this little gem and thanks to those who created the scripts: Now
RANCID 3.x Supress Output from Diffs
Introduction This is just another post relating to a previous post. The location of the changes required is different in this latest version of RANCID. If you have configuration you need to remove, it will no longer be in
Cacti Validation Error
Introduction You try and add a new graph/s to a Graph Tree in cacti but you get “Validation error”. Fix Try editing the: /usr/share/cacti/graphs.php file and comment out the following line and restart apache. //input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_post(‘drp_action’)); service httpd restart
RANCID Setup on CentOS 6.6

Introduction If you looking for a guide on how to setup the latest version of RANCID which is currently 3.2 (June 2015) then you have come to the right place. I have previously done a post on RANCID setup on