Introduction This is a useful one if you do any sort of repetitive script creation as I do and also infinitely easier than figuring it out in notepad++. Need to duplicate every line in a text file? Fix :g/^/norm yyp sorted.
Cisco ASA Install SSL Cert

Introduction You no longer need to continue using self signed certs as StartSSL offer them for free. If you need to replace or install a cert for the first time to use with an SSL VPN then this is how to achieve
Allow Linux Clients to See Directory Usage EMC Isilon

Introduction If you have Linux clients accessing NFS shares on an Isilon Scale out NAS then they may not be able to see the usage of a directory using the “df” command. Fix Now the fix only works on directories
Cisco to HP Switch CLI Command Differences
Introduction Looking for a document detailing the differences between Cisco and HP CLI commands? If you know Cisco as do I but want to translate those commands to a mixed vendor environment then you will need some sort of guide.
SSH on Management Interface Cisco 3850

Introduction So I got stuck for a good half hour with a new 3850 stacked setup, rather than use a switch port to access for management whilst the switch wasn’t live i thought why not access the box via it’s
Search and Replace Vim
Introduction Well with my previous post deleting whole lines, I also wanted to delete a whole load of IP addresses which repeat frequently throughout the document and so achieving a clutter free doc. Fix Again in vim, a simple find
Delete all lines containing a pattern Vim
Introduction So I was trying to find a way to remove a whole world of verbose output using excel and not coming up with anything but then found this: Fix All I needed to do was upload the file
ScreenOS Policy-Based Routing Commands Software Version

Introduction This is a reminder for me where to find the commands because there is a bug in the web gui that means whenever you try to apply an action-group it will implement it with a next-hop address and next-hop
Network Problem Linux Mint Using Motherboard Intel Driver
Introduction If like me you are having issues with the default network driver with a constantly disconnecting/reconnecting adapter, this was/is my fix Solution First step is to download the latest driver to your PC. Change to the driver src directory and
Domain Controller to Domain Controller through Non-NATing Firewall

Introduction In most situations you are going to have VPN or private network to allow DC to DC traffic to work across the internet, in fact you would need either a VPN or private link as NAT would not allow