Introduction First place to start is the docs: Advises to install dev packages for apache and python if not installed. Use the latest version from source rather than using the versions in the repos. Once you’ve built from source,
Ubuntu Disable IPv6 on a Single Interface
Introduction Ever needed to disable IPv6 on a single interface? Solution All that’s needed is a simple line adding to the appropriate conf file sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf Add the following line to the bottom of the file obviously substituting <interface>
Stop Apache Asking for SSL Passphrase after Restart

Introduction After upgrading my sites to SSL/TLS I had an annoying issue where after a reboot, I would have to kill the Apache process and start it again manually because it would fail first time because it did not have
Install Cacti on Ubuntu 12.04

Introduction I am really just linking some other great content here but there was something I had to figure out before I could follow the great guide by digital ocean. I was getting these errors on the server after install
Kernel Panic-not syncing

Introduction I tried to upgrade my Ubuntu Server but it didn’t boot up after rebooting. I jumped on via the console and saw the following: kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) I panicked and
Setting up UFW – Uncomplicated Firewall
Introduction Another line of defense to complete on Linux servers is a functioning firewall. Now if you’ve ever used IP tables, you’ll know they are unnecessarily complicated. This is where ufw comes in to its own as it is a
404 Errors With Permalinks Set To %postname%

Introduction I wanted to change my blog from the ugly default links of database entries to something more meaningfulĀ and pleasing to the eye. I decided to use “post name” as the permalink settings but low and behold it wasn’t so
Configuring an Apache Reverse Proxy for Multiple Domains

Introduction I was given a task by my new employer to implement a reverse proxy. This is something in my career I had never done before or was even aware was used on a daily basis to protect back-end web