Very rarely do I have to do any modification of Linux netfilter firewall rules directly using iptables. I generally use Debian based Linux distributions personally e.g. Ubuntu which come preinstalled with UFW as an abstraction layer to iptables but there
Find & Replace Multiple Files
I’m sure there are many different ways to do this however this way worked well. I’ve included an example where escaping specific characters is required which adds a little more complexity as they must be escaped using the ‘\’ character.
Install Realtek (rtl88x2bu) Wireless Drivers Linux Mint
Introduction One thing that Windows does do very well is drivers. Most things you may connect to a PC will automagically work. Linux also generally has good out of box support for a wide range of devices but in the
Disable IPv6 on Ubuntu 18.04
Introduction If you are disabling IPv6 then you likely know why you are doing it and the reasons may be varied. Disabling IPv6 only requires a brief search to find the sysctl change required but the Ubuntu bug issue is
zsh ignore commands beginning ‘#’
Problem It’s not a big one, but one I’ve run in to when creating python scripts to dump out commands with comments so others can see what the command does. To avoid the system returning a line every time that
Useful bash Operations
Introduction A list of solutions for common problems working in a bash shell. Will update as I find them. Find two words existing on the same line To grep for 2 words existing on the same line, simply do:
Configuring Multiple Default Routes Linux
Introduction No real need to explain the problem too in depth. A Linux machine with multiple interfaces accepts a packet on one interface but sends the reply out of another. Not going to work in the bulk of situations. Solution
Expanding Linux Raid ESXi
Introduction A nice brief post here. This is the operation required to increase disk size when using Linux RAID e.g. mdadm on an underlying ESXi host. Steps Increase the size of the VMDK files within ESXi Simply edit the size
Linux Bash Printing Columns using AWK
Introduction If you ever had a requirement to parse huge firewall logs looking for something specific then trust me you will likely need to use awk possibly in combination with other commands such as grep, sort and uniq. Solution Get
Unable to SSH Between Systems
Introduction I had the issue where we had upgraded a system and as a result when I tried to SSH to another system which had not been upgraded I recieved the following error: Unable to negotiate with XX.XXX.XX.XX: no matching