Introduction One thing that Windows does do very well is drivers. Most things you may connect to a PC will automagically work. Linux also generally has good out of box support for a wide range of devices but in the
Windows 10 File hashing
No longer do you need to download 3rd party software for incredibly basic tasks such as getting file hashes. Hashing functionality is built right in to power-shell. Example: Get-FileHash -Path C:\Users\david.messenger\Downloads\asr1001x-universalk9.16.06.08.SPA.bin -Algorithm SHA512 | format-List
Firewall Vendor Transitioning
Introduction This is quite a complex topic and can still be a tricky one to get right but I have developed a proven methodology that can be used very successfully.I have now used this methodology multiple times to transition from
List all Domain Controllers in an Active Directory Domain
I’m putting this here because I often find myself searching for this one-line command to list the domain controllers for a domain. Nice simple command from a windows machine: nltest /
Notepad++ Find and Replace using Regex

Introduction Microsoft’s home grown text editor is quite clearly rubbish. Notepad++ however is a great replacement. It allows for the use of regex which in the world of IT can be a massive time saver for repetitive tasks. I’ll keep
Assigning IP Addresses APC PDU via ARP
Introduction If you have ever ended up in the situation in which you have APC PDUs connected to your network which were never assigned management IP addresses then this is a nifty trick you can use to get them up
Restore Postgres Database From Dump
Introduction Instructions for this kind of thing are all over the web and very easy to find but adding this as a quick pointer for myself. It is something I do very infrequently so I often find it less than
SNMPv3 Setup
Introduction SNMP has been around for many years and even though the acronym stands for simple network management protocol, it is quite complex and takes significant time to understand exactly how to get the best from it. It is well
Upgrading SSH Keys
Putting this here as I always forget the commands when I need them! For more details see Gerts blog post linked below. Commands Create new ed25519 keys: Create secure rsa keys: Find all keys on your system: Change or add
Docker WordPress & Traefik 2

I could have titled this post as “The evolution of a website”. This blog was started back in 2015 and at that time was hosted on a virtual Ubuntu 14.04 instance. I also had my personal site on yet another