Introduction You try and add a new graph/s to a Graph Tree in cacti but you get “Validation error”. Fix Try editing the: /usr/share/cacti/graphs.php file and comment out the following line and restart apache. //input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_post(‘drp_action’)); service httpd restart
Install Cacti on Ubuntu 12.04

Introduction I am really just linking some other great content here but there was something I had to figure out before I could follow the great guide by digital ocean. I was getting these errors on the server after install
CentOS default Eth0 Interface Down on Startup

Introduction The title says it all really. Fix Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$IFNAME Change the ONBOOT line’s value to yes
RANCID Setup on CentOS 6.6

Introduction If you looking for a guide on how to setup the latest version of RANCID which is currently 3.2 (June 2015) then you have come to the right place. I have previously done a post on RANCID setup on
Kernel Panic-not syncing

Introduction I tried to upgrade my Ubuntu Server but it didn’t boot up after rebooting. I jumped on via the console and saw the following: kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) I panicked and
Cisco Nexus 5000 Virtual Port Channel Configuration

Introduction Virtual Port channels allow administrators to configure a device with upstream connectivity to two NX-OS devices. This provides multiple benefits including redundancy, avoiding STP issues and maximising bandwidth. It is one of the great features of the new platform which
RANCID 2.3.x Suppress Output From Diffs
Introduction I had added a feature to my ASA which now meant the flash was changing on a daily basis. This was spamming me that there was a version change even though it was just the flash contents changing but not any
Cisco ASA SSH Public Key Authentication

Introduction SSH is a truly great and secure protocol. We all know we should be using it instead of telnet right. Right, but are you using all of its amazing abilities? Probably not is my guess, cause I wasn’t for
How to Auto Redirect Apache Default Webpage to a Specific Page

Introduction I wanted the default webpage of an internal server to go to the Cgi-bin directory so I could see my configs. Configuration Here’s what I did. Log into the server via SSH. #sudo su So I could modify the
Install VMware Tools Ubuntu

Introduction Installing Vmware tools on a linux box is a straightforward affair from the terminal. Installation Procedure The first step is obviously mount the ISO to install VMware tools. Just a right click on the guest and then guest, install/upgrade