Putting this here as I always forget the commands when I need them! For more details see Gerts blog post linked below. Commands Create new ed25519 keys: Create secure rsa keys: Find all keys on your system: Change or add
Juniper Netscreen Packet-Tracer Alternative (Debug Flow)

Introduction Thought I would write a quick one on this as I often need to look it up as it is incredibly helpful. Cisco ASA has the packet-tracer command for testing but netscreen firewalls have something a bit different. Debug
Cisco ASA regex blocking

Introduction I was actually doing some research on DDOS attacks and what the ASA is capable of, when I came across this little known feature. Regex or regular expressions are used to match text strings or patterns in text. My
NFSv3 Ports through a firewall
Introduction If you need to use NFS through any security boundary then you will need to know the ports for NFSv3 to add to your ACLs or firewall rule sets. Protocol NFS uses TCP and UDP Ports The standard ports
ASDM on Windows not Working

Introduction I must admit, I never use a GUI for Cisco gear. I am a CLI guru but it can be useful to have and is preferable for others. The issue I was having though was simple. I could not get
Cisco ASA SSH Public Key Authentication

Introduction SSH is a truly great and secure protocol. We all know we should be using it instead of telnet right. Right, but are you using all of its amazing abilities? Probably not is my guess, cause I wasn’t for
Setting up UFW – Uncomplicated Firewall
Introduction Another line of defense to complete on Linux servers is a functioning firewall. Now if you’ve ever used IP tables, you’ll know they are unnecessarily complicated. This is where ufw comes in to its own as it is a
Creating ASA Inspection Maps

Introduction There is confusion around exactly what class-maps, policy-maps and service-policies achieve on an ASA. When you take the time to look into and test, they are fairly easy to master and very powerful. Class Maps Class maps are used