Introduction You no longer need to continue using self signed certs as StartSSL offer them for free. If you need to replace or install a cert for the first time to use with an SSL VPN then this is how to achieve
Cisco ASA Install SSL Cert

Introduction You no longer need to continue using self signed certs as StartSSL offer them for free. If you need to replace or install a cert for the first time to use with an SSL VPN then this is how to achieve
Introduction Looking for a document detailing the differences between Cisco and HP CLI commands? If you know Cisco as do I but want to translate those commands to a mixed vendor environment then you will need some sort of guide.
Introduction So I got stuck for a good half hour with a new 3850 stacked setup, rather than use a switch port to access for management whilst the switch wasn’t live i thought why not access the box via it’s
Introduction If you ever need to modify an ASA startup config for example if you are changing internet provider and need your wife to just reboot the device so it works with your new ISP’s PPPoE settings, here’s what you
Introduction Ever since I started to learn more information about the IPv4 Internet as we know it and its eventual successor I was intrigued how I could connect to this new version of the Internet. Unfortunately my ISP was not
Introduction I was actually doing some research on DDOS attacks and what the ASA is capable of, when I came across this little known feature. Regex or regular expressions are used to match text strings or patterns in text. My
Introduction I must admit, I never use a GUI for Cisco gear. I am a CLI guru but it can be useful to have and is preferable for others. The issue I was having though was simple. I could not get
Introduction This is just another post relating to a previous post. The location of the changes required is different in this latest version of RANCID. If you have configuration you need to remove, it will no longer be in
Introduction Virtual Port channels allow administrators to configure a device with upstream connectivity to two NX-OS devices. This provides multiple benefits including redundancy, avoiding STP issues and maximising bandwidth. It is one of the great features of the new platform which