
Just a big long list of CLI commands for easy reference. Note to use ? after the command to get a list of possible options.

helpDisplays the help information for a specific command.
listLists all the valid commands.
historyDisplays the command history for the CLI session.
rebootReboots the device.
killCliSessionTerminates a CLI session.
whoDisplays all the active CLI sessions.
broadcastWrite a message to all active CLI sessions.
swapBsDelToggle the key bindings for the backspace and delete characters.
setTermWidthChanges the terminal width for formatting purposes.
getTermWidthDisplays the terminal width used for formatting purposes.
promptChanges the CLI prompt.
caseDisplays or changes case sensitivity of the command interpreter for the current CLI session.
showLastRetCodeDisplays the return code from the last command.
echoEchoes the input parameters back to the output.
rloginOpen a terminal to a device in the chassis.
rcmdOpen a terminal to a device in the chassis.
resetCardReboots a specific slot in the chassis.
logoutTerminates the current CLI session.
userChanges user accounts.
passwdChanges a user account password.
userAddAdds a user account.
userRemRemoves a user account.
userListShowList all user accounts for this device.
sshKeyDisplays or modifies the configured set of SSH keys.
loginModeChanges the login authentication mode.
setldapSvrIpAddrDisplays or modifies the LDAP server IP address.
setldapSvrPortDisplays or modifies the TCP port number to use for LDAP.
idleTimeoutGetGet the UI idle timeout value.
idleTimeoutSetSet the UI idle timeout value.
sessionTimeoutDisableDisables the idle timeout for the current CLI session.
sessionTimeoutEnableEnables the idle timeout for the current CLI session.
loginMsgGetDisplays the CLI login message for this device.
loginMsgSetSet the CLI login message for this device.
loginNameGetDisplays the text string that is displayed prior to logging in via telnet.
loginNameSetSets the text string that is displayed prior to logging in via telnet.
serialAuthGetDisplays the mode setting for serial console authentication.
serialAuthSetChanges the serial console authentication mode setting.
uiConfigDisplays or modifies the user interface access methods.
hwCheckChecks the hardware status for chassis(or hemisphere), modules, fans and power supplies.
hwMonitorMonitor fans, power supplies, and port state.
showIBNodeDescDisplays the IB Node (SMA) Description (or the Default).
setIBNodeDescSet the IB Node (SMA) Description.
setIBNodeDescFormatDisplays or modifies the IB Node (SMA) Description format modifier.
fruInfoDisplays the field replacable unit information.
chassisQueryDisplays information about the line cards in a chassis.
showInventoryDisplays asset information on all entities in the chassis.
setSystemContactDisplays or modifies the chassis system contact information.
setSystemNameDisplays or modifies the chassis system name.
setSystemLocationDisplays or modifies the chassis system location.
ifShowDisplays the interface statistics for the OOB management port.
routeShowDisplays the interface routes for the OOB management port.
pingSend Ping packets to a specified IP address.
ping6Sends Ping packets to a specified IPv6 address.
showChassisIpAddrDisplays the chassis IP address.
setChassisIpAddrChanges the chassis IP address.
setChassisIpv6AddrChanges the user configured chassis IPv6 address.
delChassisIpv6AddrDeletes the user configured chassis IPv6 address.
showChassisIpv6AddrDisplays the user configured chassis IPv6 address.
autoConfIPv6EnableEnables IPv6 address autoconfig.
autoConfIPv6DisableDisables IPv6 address autoconfig.
autoConfIPv6ShowDisplays IPv6 address autoconfig setting.
ndpShowDisplays IPv6 Neighbors table.
showDefaultRouteDisplays the default gateway IP address.
setDefaultRouteChanges the default gateway IP address.
arpShowDisplays the link level adress resolution protocol (ARP) table.
hostShowDisplays the host name table.
dhcpEnableEnables DHCP on the Ethernet interface.
dhcpDisableDisables DHCP on the Ethernet interface.
dhcpShowDisplays the current DHCP leases.
dnsParamsShowDisplays the stored DNS parameters.
dnsParamsSetChanges the DNS configuration parameters.
fwUpdateUpdate units firmware.
fwListFilesList the contents of the firmware ramdisk.
fwShowUpdateParamsDisplays the firmware default update parameters.
fwSetUpdateParamsConfigure firmware default update parameters.
showCapabilityDisplays the capabilities/features.
showLastScpRetCodeDisplays the return code from the last SCP Firmware or XML Config Push.
fwVersionDisplays the firmware revisions.
bootQueryQuery boot image information.
bootSelectChanges the boot selection.
smControlControl the Subnet Manager.
smConfigConfigure the Subnet Manager.
smForceSweepForce the subnet manager to sweep (does not change sweep rate).
bmForceSweepForce the baseboard manager to sweep (does not change sweep rate).
smShowSMParmsDisplays the SM parameters switch lifetime, HOQ lifetime, VLStall val, pkt lifetime, and dynamic PLT. lifetime, VLStall val, pkt lifetime, and dynamic PLT.

smShowLidsDisplays all the fabric LID information as known by the subnet manager.
smShowGroupsDisplays the multicast group information from subnet manager.
smShowServicesDisplays the subnet administration service records of the subnet manager.
smShowSubscriptionsDisplays the event forwarding (subscription) table from subnet manager.
smShowMasterLidDisplays the master SM?s LID, which might not be this SM?s lid.
smShowLidDisplays this SM?s LID.
smShowLidMapDisplays the SM?s LID to port GUID map.
smShowMaxLidDisplays the highest LID allocated by the subnet manager.
smShowCountersDisplays various statistics and counters maintained by the SM.
smResetCountersResets various statistics and counters maintained by the SM.
pmShowCountersDisplays various statistics and counters about the PM.
pmResetCountersResets various statistics and counters about the PM.
pmShowRunningTotalsDisplays PM?s Running Total Counters for all ports in fabric.
smOptionConfigDisplays support for certain runtime options.
smPriorityDisplays the priority of the subnet manager.
bmPriorityDisplays the priority of the baseboard manager.
pmPriorityDisplays the priority of the performance manager.
smRestorePriorityRelinquishs elevated priorities for subnet, baseboard and perfomance managers.
smSweepRateDisplays or dynamically sets the sweep rate of the subnet manager.
smMasterLMCDisplays the Master SM?s LMC value to be used on CA ports.
smSwitchLifetimeDisplays or dynamically sets the default switch lifetime (time a packet can live in a switch) of the lifetime (time a packet can live in a switch) of the
subnet manager.

smHoqLifeDisplays or dynamically sets the head of queue lifetime of the subnet manager.
smVLStallDisplays or dynamically sets the VL Stall value of the subnet manager.
smDynamicPltDisplays the dynamic packet lifetime table values.
smPKeysDisplays the PKeys.
smInfoKeyDisplays the subnet manager?s SMInfo key.
smMgmtKeyDisplays the subnet manager?s management key.
smDefBcGroupDisplays the default broadcast group parameters for the SM.
smGidPrefixDisplays the subnet manager?s subnet prefix.
smSubnetSizeDisplays the subnet manager?s subnet size.
smTopoErrorThreshDisplays the subnet manager?s error threshold for a sweep.
smTopoAbandonThreshDisplays the max consecutive times the SM can abandon a sweep.
smMaxRetriesDisplays the maximum number of SM receive retries.
smRcvWaitTimeDisplays max time to wait for a reply to an SM packet in millisecs.
smNonRespDropTimeDisplays seconds to wait before dropping a non-responsive node.
smNonRespDropSweepsDisplays sweeps to wait before dropping a non-responsive node.
smLogLevelDisplays or dynamically sets the Subnet Manager logging level.
smLogModeDisplays or dynamically sets the Subnet Manager logging mode.
smLogMaskDisplays or dynamically sets the Subnet Manager logging mask for a specific subsystem.
smPerfDebugDisplays or dynamically sets SM PerfDebug which logs additional sweep info.
saPerfDebugDisplays or dynamically sets SA PerfDebug which logs additional query info.
smAdaptiveRoutingDisplays or dynamically enables/disables SM AdaptiveRouting when the feature is configured.
smMcLidTableCapDisplays limit of multicast lids available for allocation.
smMasterPingIntervalDisplays master SM ping interval.
smMasterPingFailuresDisplays number of master ping failures allowed.
smDbSyncIntervalDisplays how often (in minutes) a Master SM performs a full sync with standby SMs.
sm1xLinkModeDisplays how the SM handles links that come up at 1x.
smTrapThresholdDisplays the urgent trap threshold before auto-disabling ports.
smAppearanceMsgThreshDisplays threshold for appearance & disappearance log messages.
smPmBmStartControls start of PM, BM and FE.
smShowRemovedPortsDisplays ports that have been automatically removed from the fabric.
smResetConfigResets the XML config to factory defaults.
smShowConfigDisplays the XML config file.
smMcastCheckEnables or disables the Common MTU and rate for multicast groups.
smLooptestStartStarts the SM Loop Test in normal mode.
smLooptestFastModeStartStarts the SM Loop Test in fast mode.
smLooptestStopStops the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestInjectPacketsInjects packets into the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestInjectAtNodeInjects packets to a specific switch node for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestInjectEachSweepInjects packets on each sweep for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestPathLengthSets the loop path length for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestMinISLRedundancySets the minimum ISL redundancy in fast mode for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestShowLoopPathsDisplays the loop paths for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestShowSwitchLftDisplays a switch?s LFT for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestShowTopologyDisplays the topology for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestShowConfigDisplays the config for the SM Loop Test.
logShowDisplays the Log file.
logClearClear the Log file.
logConfigureConfigure the log settings.
logResetToDefaultsRestores the log default settings.
logSyslogConfigConfigure the syslog host address.
logShowConfigDisplays the current log configuration.
logSyslogTestTest Syslog configuration.
showKeysDisplays the list of installed license keys.
addKeyInstall a license key.
removeKeyRemoves a license key.
ismPortStatsDisplays statistics for all ports.
ismPortCountersDisplays Port Counters.
ismLinearFwdbDisplays or sets Linear Forwarding Database for switch.
ismMultiFwdbDisplays the Multicast Forwarding Database for switch.
ismAutoClearConfConfigure Port stat counter auto-clear options.
ismPortSetWidthDisplays or sets the supported link width for an IB port.
ismChassisSetWidthDisplays or sets the supported link width for all chassis IB ports.
ismPortSet12xDisplays or sets the supported link width for an IB port.
ismChassisSet12xDisplays or sets the supported link width for all chassis IB ports.
ismChassisSetMtuDisplays or sets MTU and VL capabilities all chassis IB ports.
ismChassisSetBCDMDisplays or sets the Buffer Credit Distribution Method for all chassis IB ports.
ismPortEnableEnables an IB port.
ismChassisSetEnableDisplays or modifies the port enable setting for each IB port in the chassis.
ismPortDisableDisables an IB port.
ismChassisSetSpeedDisplays or sets the support link speeds for all IB ports in the chassis.
ismPortSetSpeedDisplays or sets the speed of an IB port.
ismPortSetBeaconDisplays or modifying the LED beaconing indicator for an IB port.
ismPortQsfpInfoDisplays information from the installed QSFPs.
ismChassisBounceBounce enabled ports for entire chassis.
ismPortBounceBounce port if enabled.
ismShowPStatThreshDisplays the port statisics thresholds.
ismSetPStatThreshChanges the port statisics thresholds.
ismRemoveStateDumpRemoves switch ASIC state dump files.
ismShowStateDumpDisplays the switch ASIC state dump files.
ismShowArConfigDisplays AdaptiveRouting info for a specific switch chip or entire chassis.
ismShowArMovesDisplays AdaptiveRouting adjjustments for a specific switch chip or entire chassis.
timeConfigure the time on the device.
timeZoneConfConfigure the time zone setting.
timeDSTConfConfigure the daylight savings time settings.
timeNtpTimeoutConfigure the NTP timeout setting.
timeNtpRefreshTimeConfigure the delay between time updates via NTP.
snmpCommunityConfConfigure the SNMP community strings.
snmpTargetAddrConfigure the SNMP trap targets.
snmpTargetParamsAccess the snmpTargetParamsTable.
snmpNotifyProfileAccess the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable.
snmpNotifyFilterAccess the snmpNotifyFilterTable.
snmpNotifyAccess the snmpNotifyTable.
snmpSystemConfigure the SNMP system info.
snmpUsrSecConfigure SNMP V3 users.
captureDisplays all the information for this device.
captureFwDisplays all the firmware information for this device.
captureSmDisplays all the manager information for this device.
captureIsmDisplays all the Infiniband switch information for this device.
captureChassisDisplays all the chassis information for this device.
captureNetworkDisplays all the network information for this device.
captureLogDisplays all the log information for this device.
captureMiscDisplays all the miscellaneous information for this device.
captureSnmpDisplays all the SNMP information for this device.
captureShellDisplays the pertinent shell command information for this device.
genPostDisplays General POST results and runs tests.
IpoIbConfigShowDisplays the IPoIB enable/disable setting.
IpoIbConfigEnableEnables the IPoIB feature.
IpoIbConfigDisableDisables the IPoIB feature.
IpoIbAddressShowDisplays the IPoIB IP Address and associated netmask settings.
IpoIbAddressSetChanges the IPoIB IP Address and netmask settings.
IpoIbAddressSetIPv6Changes the IPoIB IPv6 address and netmask.
IpoIbAddressShowIPv6Displays the IPoIB IPv6 Address and associated netmask settings.
exitTerminates the current CLI session.
QLogic 12000 CLI Reference Guide
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