Looking for a command. It might just be in here somewhere. I’ll update as I find useful ones.
Performance Stats
isi statistics drive --nodes=all --orderby=busy --type=sas,sata --top isi statistics drive --nodes=all --orderby=busy --type=sas,sata | head -n 30
isi_for_array -s isi_hw_status | grep -i 'power sup'
First command will list all the external facing interfaces on the cluster. The second will list the available smart connect pools and also whether we have any suspended nodes.
isi networks list interfaces isi networks list pools --verbose
This next command will exclude a node from a smartconnect zone if there is an issue with the node. For example if the node has an issue with its lagg interface.
isi networks modify pool --name=<name-of-pool> --sc-suspend-node=<node-no.>
This one is to rebalance the pool
isi networks modify pool --name=<name-of-pool> --sc-rebalance
This command will list which node a dynamic IP is attached to. The first number returned is the node.
isi networks list interfaces --wide | grep <IP Address>
This next command is for listing the pools configured so you can use that information to do something
isi networks list pools --verbose
Once you have the information required the following command will remove specific interfaces from a dynamic pool. Useful when the web interface is sluggish and you need to remove nodes because of lagg interface issues.
isi networks modify pool --name=<Network_name:Pool_name> --remove-ifaces=<Node:Interface_name>
Find Serial Number
SSH to the required node and run:
isi config
Find Disk Status
SSH to a node and run the following command:
isi devices -d 1
The -d option is per node so you can get the status of all disks in each node from 1 session.
Find Pool Status including VHS size
Use the following command to get full stats on the storage pool status
isi storagepool nodepools list -v
Also try the following to get info on the pool size and usage
isi stat -d -q
SyncIQ Backups
isi_classic sync jobs report
This will provide useful output on the status and throughput of a job operation.
If you have a policy you need to delete, you can break association on the target and use the following to delete the policy on the source.
isi sync policies delete --policy<policy-name> --local-only