Introduction If like me you are having issues with the default network driver with a constantly disconnecting/reconnecting adapter, this was/is my fix Solution First step is to download the latest driver to your PC. Change to the driver src directory and
Finding Directory Users & Groups Linux
Commands Just a quick reminder here as I always forget this command. getent group <group name> getent passwd <account name> id –a <account name>
Simple Bash Ping Script
I saw this and thought hmmm, this could come in very handy. As did ‘The Stupid Engineer‘ As it says in the title, the command is: for i in `seq 1 255`; do ping -c 1 192.168.1.$i | tr \\n
Turn a Linux Machine into a SOCKS Proxy in a Single Command

Introduction Need a proxy? Want to hide your IP? This is a sneaky and easy trick. Just use the following: ssh -f -N -D localhost Thats it! All there is to it. Doesn’t even need root access. Now Open-SSH
Base64-encoding Usernames & Passwords
Intoduction If a base 64 encoded password is needed for testing. Here’s the code required: Commands ~$ perl -MMIME::Base64 -e \ > ‘print encode_base64(“john\\0john\\0password”)’; This will output the following base 64 encoded string: ZGF2ZUBpcC1saWZlLm5ldABkYXZlaXAtbGlmZS5uZXQAcGFzc3dvcmQ=
NFSv3 Ports through a firewall
Introduction If you need to use NFS through any security boundary then you will need to know the ports for NFSv3 to add to your ACLs or firewall rule sets. Protocol NFS uses TCP and UDP Ports The standard ports
Auto Mounting Drives on Linux Mint

Introduction I had started to really use Linux more and more so decided why not use Linux for my desktop as well? However I did not want to get rid of Windows, I am not a Linux fan-boy, I still
Splitting and Reassembling files via the CLI Linux

Introduction If you’ve ever had the need to get some data out of a locked down environment but need to chop the data up into bits due to issues with size constriants, you have some options. There are numerous different
Install Cacti on CentOS 6.x

Introduction The following guides cover it. Watch out for the section named “Configure MySQL settings for Cacti”, the file it references the path as /etc/cacti/db.php but the path may actually be /var/www/cacti/include/config.php Things to look out for: Path
Linux Pausing Commands And Running Commands In The Background

Introduction What is this tip about? Just a simple one but really useful. Imagine this, you open a text editor to create or modify a file but halfway through someone says, “Can you just check this for me quick .