Introduction If you’ve ever needed to rename multiple files which had a different file extension then this is what you need Solution Open the terminal. Change directory to the parent directory of folder1 using the cd command. cd /path/to/parent/directory/of/folder1/ Run
Find Network Interface Card Ubuntu
Introduction If you’ve added an interface on ubuntu and wondered what interfaces you have on the system, you need to use the following to find out: ls /sys/class/net This will list the interface names for all NICs on your computer.
Ubuntu Disable IPv6 on a Single Interface
Introduction Ever needed to disable IPv6 on a single interface? Solution All that’s needed is a simple line adding to the appropriate conf file sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf Add the following line to the bottom of the file obviously substituting <interface>
Useful FIND examples
Introduction A few examples when you need to find files. I’ll update as I go. This one is for searching multiple snapshot locations for a file named like: find *snapshot-name*/known/path/to/data -iname “case_insensitive_part_of_name*” The next is to find and replace permission
No Wifi with Intel 3165 on HP ProBook Linux Mint

Introduction I wanted to install Linux on a laptop so I had originally installed Ubuntu and everything was working well. The issue came about when I re-installed with my preferred distro Linux Mint; as I prefer the cinnamon desktop vastly
Generate a CSR Using Openssl

Introduction Just a quick refresher on generating certificate signing requests. Generate the RSA key Create a RSA key for your Apache server, since every distro is different in where to place the certificates, we are just going to place it
Crontab, RSYNC & SSH Keys Linux Mint

Introduction Here’s the deal. I was performing an rsync backup of my website using an Ubuntu server but decided I’d also start backing up from my PC, Linux of course. I thought it would be a straight copy the scripts
Creating Debian Installation USB Stick

Introduction If you are currently using a GNU/Linux distro and fancy having a look at a live disk of Debian. Use the following to get it on a USB stick to test out. Required Commands $ sudo fdisk -l Disk
Remmina Unable to Connect to RDP Server
Introduction This one is not immediately obvious. Suddenly a connection that was working fine just stops and all that you get is a generic error message. Fix The fix however is simple. Just remove the following file from your home
Keyboard Shortcuts for the GNOME Desktop
1. General Shortcut Keys Alt + F1 Opens the Applications Menu. Alt + F2 Displays the Run Application dialog. Print Screen Takes a screenshot. Alt + Print Screen Takes a screenshot of the window that has focus. Ctrl + Alt