Introduction If you are currently using a GNU/Linux distro and fancy having a look at a live disk of Debian. Use the following to get it on a USB stick to test out. Required Commands $ sudo fdisk -l Disk
Creating Debian Installation USB Stick

Introduction If you are currently using a GNU/Linux distro and fancy having a look at a live disk of Debian. Use the following to get it on a USB stick to test out. Required Commands $ sudo fdisk -l Disk
Introduction UPDATE 05/16 Do not even attempt to use this in a production environment. It worked up until it didn’t work at all. The way round it in the end was of course to use 1 to 1 mappings for
Introduction This one is not immediately obvious. Suddenly a connection that was working fine just stops and all that you get is a generic error message. Fix The fix however is simple. Just remove the following file from your home
Introduction Restoring data from NL Isilon is quite a simple affair with standard UNIX commands. This how to may just save some time on the trial and error aspect of a restore. If a request comes in to retrieve data
1. General Shortcut Keys Alt + F1 Opens the Applications Menu. Alt + F2 Displays the Run Application dialog. Print Screen Takes a screenshot. Alt + Print Screen Takes a screenshot of the window that has focus. Ctrl + Alt