Introduction I noticed in Gmail recently they started warning when email messages weren’t encrypted in transit. When I say transit I mean when a message leaves your email server and sends to another mail server / edge server for another
Unlocking Domain Accounts Without Password Change
Introduction If you have a need to unlock an account but don’t want to change the password. It can be easily done via an administrative command prompt. Fix Open an administrative command prompt and use the following commands to view
Dealing With Hung NFS Mounts
Introduction I was getting problems with hung NFS mounts on some Red hat boxes. Busy boxes so didn’t want to reboot. Fix The fix was a good one. I forced unmounted the problem mount using: umount -lf found via:
Juniper Netscreen Site-to-Site VPN Rekey
Introduction The problem I was having was as follows. 3 Juniper devices in a hub and spoke topology, 1 HQ and 2 Branch. The 2 Branch firewalls were actually just basically identical configs in one branch on separate DSL lines.